IV.B.5. The CEO assures the implementation of statutes, regulations, and governing board policies and assures that institutional practices are consistent with institutional mission and policies, including effective control of budget and expenditures.
The President, as chief executive officer, is charged with the direct management and administration of the College under Public Law 22-30.1
The Governance Policy Manual clearly defines the detailed responsibilities of the President. Board Policy and College Regulations/Procedures ensures that all policies have been written to be consistent with provisions of the law, but do not encompass all laws relating to the American Samoa government and federal activities. Policy 3000 Delegation to the President ensures that all services and operations exist for the achievement of ASCC’s Mission and implementation of Board policies through the designated administrative positions. 2 Administrative positions are overseen by the President through the Vice Presidents who monitor the effectiveness of services offered for programs and departments under their purview. 3
Upon the approval of the annual budget by the Board of Higher Education and the American Samoa Government Legislature, the President has final authority for controlling approved expenditures. The CFO provides regular budget information to the President, and to the Leadership Team so that current information is available for decision-making. Policy 3007 Budgeting and Forecasting identifies the accountability of the President in maintaining budget plans that are aligned to College priorities, not risk fiscal jeopardy, and not be unrealistic in projections of income and expenses.4 Policy 3008 Financial Condition further holds the President accountable for fiscal integrity. 5 Policy 3009 College Assets states that the President assures that assets are protected adequately, maintained, and not necessarily risked.
1 - American Samoa Code Annotated PL 22-30
2 - Governance Policy Manual 3000 Delegation to the President
3 - Participatory Governance Structural Manual pp. 32
4 - Governance Policy Manual 3007 Budget and Forecasting
5 - Governance Policy Manual 3008 Financial Condition